Amélie's Spiritual Beliefs

I am writing Heart Answers, not because I consider myself enlightened, ascended, fully realized, or completely conscious, but because I am something more like a spiritual teenager - I am learning everyday and trying different things out. This blog is about putting some of my thoughts and experiences out there, to help me understand them better, and perhaps also to help a few others on the way. Already as I experience writing this blog, I find that as I try to share answers, I find more questions, and instead I have to share my experience. Maybe I should have called the blog Heart Questions!

I am sure that I will make some mistakes along the way (in the blog and in life). I also imagine that some of the things I will write will contradict each other. It's important to know that there are many different teachings about spirituality that apply on different levels. Completely opposite viewpoints can lead you to deeper and deeper understandings of yourself and spirituality. Spirituality can be quite paradoxical, but somehow, that makes sense to me. The important thing is to take what feels right in your heart at the moment, and leave the rest. In that way, you will be taking what is in your highest and best interest at any given time.

It's interesting that there's no one accepted definition of spirituality. Everyone seems to have a slightly different definition, so I suppose it's a good idea to express my own definition. I see spirituality as one's sense of connection with what is greater than oneself. I think everyone has a spiritual connection, even if they wouldn't define it that way, and not all spiritual connections are conscious or healthy. There isn't a psychologically healthy human around that doesn't have some relationship with life in general or at least with society, even if it isn't something they think about and even if they don't believe in God.

As for my own spirituality, I believe in God, but mostly as that which all things and all life have in common. In a sense, to me, God is the Universe, not just a vast collection of space and dust, but a living organism with consciousness, intelligence and purpose. Each individual is a little piece of God, all pretending to be separate and independent entities. I believe that, ultimately, spiritual growth and evolution means discovering and expressing who I really am. Obviously there is much to say on these topics so I'll save any more of it for the blog.

Though I have attended church, and may again, I do not choose to limit myself to any specific religion. I may repeat teachings from various religions and spiritual traditions of the world as long as my heart chooses to do so. I have gained insight from many teachers, some ancient sources, some of whom are considered modern spiritual leaders, and some who are largely unknown. I will attempt to give credit for certain specific ideas to the appropriate teacher where it is due, though most often my thoughts are a jumble of various teachings and sources.

On the flip side, if you appreciate my writing, please share it with others who may be interested. I would love to be part of a community of people who are really interested in spiritual growth and passionate about its exploration. Always feel free to comment on my posts and keep the conversation going.

Image: thanunkorn /

© Amelie Rossignol and Heart Answers, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amelie Rossignol and Heart Answers with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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