Friday, November 21, 2014

Listen to Your Heart - It Knows More Than You Think

A few nights ago, I decided to start blogging again. Naturally, I got very excited about the prospect - and then I remembered the first step. I have to name the blog. I love naming my work! Well, I love it for about 24 hours, and then I'm overwhelmed with my lack of progress in picking the absolute perfect can't-be-faulted, everyone-loves-it, has-the-right-energy name. Really, it takes a miracle to satisfy the laundry list of things I want in a blog name.

So, after a couple of days of mental searching, I knew I wasn't getting anywhere. My mind had been racing in circles, reviewing my criteria and throwing out possible themes and names. All it took was a moment for me to remember that I should take a deep breath and check in with my heart. As I took my breath and turned inwards, I heard, as clear as can be: "the answer is in your heart." At once, I knew how to get the answer I needed and that was, in fact, the answer itself. The blog became "Heart Answers" and I didn't need to check if anyone else liked it, or see if the numerology fit, or anything else; it was just right.

I think that Western culture and education teach pretty strongly that anything you might need to know, you can figure out with your mind. Read some books, do some research and you'll find what you need. I can't fault the logic with that and I'm a big fan of reading books and doing research. After all, I was always a model student, but the academic approach has its limits. It can't truly answer the deeper questions we might find. The mind would almost always lead us into different choices than our hearts, and while I cannot say that the choices of the mind are in any way wrong, they may tend to cause us more pain in the long run.

For example, when I started writing this post, my very first in a long time, it started with a completely different train of thought. I had created a logical segue into the naming of the blog, but no matter how I tweaked it, it didn't feel right. Thankfully, I have learned to hear and respect that feeling, so again, I turned inward and started over. I believe this blog is going to be a constant exercise in remembering to return to my heart, which makes it an even more exciting prospect for me. And as I share what my heart brings to me, I hope you also learn to find answers in your own heart. I want to hear how the information on this blog has changed you. I invite you to share your experiences with me through the comments.

Thanks for reading and may you be blessed with answers from your heart!

Image: Photokanok /

© Amelie Rossignol and Heart Answers, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amelie Rossignol and Heart Answers with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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